APE APE November 2019 | Page 15

INDUSTRY NEWS times function as a gatekeeper to winning new contracts. If you can develop a good park- ing lot sweeping arm to your business, then it seems like you can be good at something that your competition is not. That is a market advantage. Win the contract and make money with the sweeper.” Dyck continued: “Parking lot sweeping is done at night, pav- ing is done during the day. That leaves a sweeper available to be used for paving clean up during the day and route sweeping at night. Or the night crew can clean up the big stuff the night before a big pave job.” The need for commercial sweeping is diverse and ever apparent. Starnes stated: “Contractors, public sectors, leaf removal, catch basin cleaning, construc- tion, airports, rental markets, parking lots, grain processing, power plants...really the uses are growing every day. As the government--federal, state, and local--create legislation on keeping the environment, as well as our highways and byways safe, more markets emerge for sweeper usage.” Paving companies are well equipped to creating an ad- junct sweeping service. They operate equipment for techni- cal jobs with skilled labor that could easily adapt to operating sweepers, according to Starnes. “Sweeping, as a service, re- quires a few different skills like scheduling, sales or hiring and training new drivers,” said Dyck. “However, at the end of the day, it is also a business of operating equipment. Sweep- ers are not too technical, but the more you know the more you win. If your sweeper stops working, there is not a lot of help out there, so it pays to do your own maintenance and re- pair work as well.” Sand, dirt and other trash can be abra- sive. When dirt is allowed to stay on as- phalt pavement, it can start deteriorating the paving material. Replacement costs for pavement can far exceed the routine ex- pense of sweeping. Removal of these ele- ments is expected to save time and money down the road. It’s the end of this article and time now to grab the corn broom and dustpan that was parked outside this article. There’s a kitch- en, hallway, and back entrance that needs a thorough sweeping. Better get to it! Jeff Winke is a business and construction writ- er based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He can be reached through [email protected]. For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry 1.800.210.5923 [15] November 2019