APE APE July 2019 | Page 50

Email: sales@jfwequipment.com www.jfwequipment.com 2007 Etnyre Centennial II distributor, 2000 gallons, computerized w/1 ft cut-offs, diesel heat, 16 ft spray bar, Ford F750 w/Cat C7 diesel, 6 spd trans, 2 spd axle 2000 Etnyre Centennial distributor, 2000 gallons, computerized, propane heat, 14 ft spray bar, GMC 7500 w/Cat 3126 diesel engine, 5 spd trans, 2 spd axle 2005 Broce RJ350 broom, 8 ft broom, John Deere 445D diesel engine, heat & a/c, water system New Marathon 250 gallon hot tack distributor, Honda gas engine, 5 ft spray wand w/40 ft hose, propane burners, flushing system, electric brakes (some with spray bars) 2007 Omni 1000 electric heated screed, paving width 10-19.5 ft, power crown, slope & height, vibratory screed, should fit any 6000 or 7000 series paver- $6500 2011 Volvo DD16 double drum 39” vibratory roller, Kubota diesel, water system, low hrs 1997 Rosco Maximizer II distributor, 2000 gallons, computerized, diesel burner, 12 ft spray bar, Ford F800 w/Cummins diesel, 5 spd trans, 2 spd axle - $34,000 New Marathon 585 gallon tack distributor, Honda gas engine, 60 GPM pump, propane heat, fully insulated tank, 8 ft spray bar, 5 ft spray wand & 40 ft hose, flushing system, electric brakes, electric breakaway 2009 & 2011 Etnyre tanker distributors, 5000 gallons, computer & radar, propane heat, Hatz diesel engine, 12 ft spray bar 2013 Rosco Maximizer 3B distributor, 1550 gallons, Max3B computer, diesel heat, 16 ft extending spray bar, UD cabover truck w/UD 7.0 diesel engine, auto trans DRIVEWAY CARE BOOKLETS Call 610-489-PAVE www.asphaltpress.com ADVERTISER INDEX JULY 2019 I ssue Stop Your Pumps From Leaking!! 4Seasons Pavement Repair Products, Inc...... 28 American Highway Products........................... 7 American Sten-Cyl......................................... 30 American Striping.......................................... 21 Arrow Striping & MFG................................. 38 ARS LLC....................................................... 35 Asphalt Press Industries................................. 50 B & E Sealcoat Products, Inc ....................... 40 Bensink Mfg.................................................. 40 Buffalo Turbine LLC..................................... 16 Carlson Paving Products................................ 51 Crafco Inc ...................................................... 33 Denver Industrial Sales & Service................. 44 DESCO Mfg., Inc.......................................... 36 Diamond Shield Fortifier............................... 34 Ditch Runner / Reid Mfg LLC................. 41, 43 Edward Ehrbar Inc................................... 45, 47 Environmental Sealer Supplies...................... 39 FastMeasure............................................. 38, 39 G & H Pavement Sealing Co......................... 38 Geotextile Apparatus Co................................ 49 Hog Technologies.......................................... 13 Jersey Girl Sealer & Supply........................... 39 JFW Equipment Inc....................................... 50 K M International, Inc ................................... 37 Kelly-Creswell Company, Inc................. 32, 34 Keystone Plastics........................................... 42 Kolbe Striping Inc.......................................... 45 LaserLine Mfg............................................... 18 LeeBoy............................................................. 3 Liberty Supply............................................... 40 Maintenance Inc............................................. 52 Maintenance Systems..................................... 49 MB Companies Inc.............................. 9, 22, 30 idstates Equipment & Supply......................... 44 Mix-Tek Pavement Solutions........................ 29 MRL Equipment Company............................ 11 Stop the leak! Install Rains-flo Packing Proven within the Asphalt Industry. Viking ® , Roper, Rotan, etc. Call Scott @ 1-800-231-4209 www.rainsflo.com For Sale: SealMaster CRACKMASTER ™ PF Looking to sell 14+ pallets for cost after cancelled contract Polymer modified fiber sealant containing approximately 5% polyester fibers. Designed for use in oil-jacketed kettles. Ideal for use on roads and highways. Moderate to hot climates – flexible to -0°F. ** FREE FREIGHT TO YOUR LOCATION ** CALL TOM AT 443-831-5645 FOR DETAILS www.callape.com [50] N.I. Wilson Mfg. Co., Inc.............................. 42 Neal Manufacturing (Blastcrete).................... 17 NEALCO Equipment LLC............................ 23 Neyra Industries Inc....................................... 27 Northern Asphalt Coatings Supply................ 45 Panther Equipment, LLC............................... 45 Pape Machinery............................................. 46 Pavement Depot of Maryland, LLC............... 42 Pavement Maintenance Supply...................... 28 Payne’s Parking Designs, Inc........................ 45 Prairie Truck Sales......................................... 49 PRT Group..................................................... 44 QPR................................................................ 25 RAE Products and Chemicals, Corp........ 12, 19 Rains-Flo Manufacturing inc......................... 50 Rayner Equipment Systems............................. 2 Santa Fe Paving.............................................. 44 Seal Coat Masking Products.......................... 49 Seal-Rite......................................................... 15 Sealmaster...................................................... 50 SealMaster........................................................ 5 SealMaster Indianapolis................................. 46 Shannon Chastain Enterprises Inc................. 28 Smith Paving.................................................. 44 Special Asphalt Products............................... 47 STAR Incorporated........................................ 14 STAR Incorporated........................................ 24 Swanston Equipment Company..................... 49 Swarco............................................................ 21 The ODB Co.................................................. 20 Traffic Markings............................................ 47 Traffic Markings............................................ 48 U.S. Seal........................................................ 19 USA Tips....................................................... 47 Weiler............................................................. 31 World Insurance Associates LLC.................. 32 1.800.210.5923