APE APE July 2019 | Page 24

EXPERT ADVICE and construction procedures. The manu- facturer of the crack treatment being used is a source of information for determining the final cure time before moving on to the next phase of your project. Evaluating Minor Cracks After addressing wide cracks, check the surface area for minor imperfections. Be sure to thoroughly inspect the pavement, as small breaks are often difficult to spot. Although hairline cracks can be ignored, contractors do have the option to fix cracks of approximately 1/4 – 3/4 inches wide. Proceed with treatment by clearing the area of debris and filling with crack sealant approved by the manufacturer’s specifications. Cleaning Oil and Grease Spots Spots that have not already damaged or softened the pavement should be re- moved by scrubbing the area with deter- Spots that have not already damaged or softened the pavement should be removed by scrubbing the area with detergent and flushing with water. gent and flushing with water. Remember that breaks in water indicate that linger- ing grease and oil stains still remain — be sure to continuously flush until a water- break-free surface appears. Deeper imper- fections can be removed by using a hand- held propane torch to burn the affected area before treating with an approved oil spot primer. Once cracks, oil and grease have been addressed, remember to clean the surface of loose dust, dirt, leaves and other for- eign materials by sweeping, blowing or flushing with water immediately before applying pavement coating. Carefully following the recommended practices can ensure a smooth sealcoating process that results in the desired end product. Contractors can also explore additional best management resources on the Be In- formed. Seal Success. page of the PCTC’s website. Customers will notice and appre- ciate the extra care taken to assure a job well done. BOOST YOUR SEALER’S PERFORMANCE BY THE POWER OF Faster Drying Times 1 2 Contains Blackening Agents 3 4 Improved Durability 4 Our additives will perform to the standards you have come to expect and trust from STAR ® branded products! www.StarSeal.com Download the sealcoating contractors resource app 800-759-1912 Excellent Night Time Performance TO ORDER STAR Advantage-4 visit starseal.com/advantage-4 For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [24] 1.800.210.5923