APE APE July 2019 | Page 18

EXPERT ADVICE Restripe Solutions f you’re ever asked to convert existing parking lot stalls into handicap-accessible stalls, the job may be easier than you think, and you may not need to black out the existing striping. If a new striper ever asks me about the the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), I tell them, as stripers, we don’t necessarily need to know those rules. If it’s a simple matter of restriping an existing layout and pattern, we don’t need to know those rules. We simply re- stripe what’s there. If we need to restripe to ex- isting layout and pattern over seal coat, again, we simply restripe what is there. If the project calls for us to layout and stripe to customer specifications, we look at the blueprint and proceed. Again, we do not necessarily need to know the specific ADA rules. I’ll answer the question here, though, and I use a dollar bill to remember the regulations; one handicap spot (HC) is necessary for a parking lot that holds up to 25 cars. Two HCs are needed for 50 cars, three for 75 and four for 100. In other words, one quarter (HC) is 25 cents (car capacity). Two for 50, three for 75 and four for 100. It goes up from there. Again, although it may be good information to know, it isn’t necessarily needed on a day-to- day basis. If a client asks about the ADA, I’ll offer the same information and let them know that those numbers are minimums. They can have as many HC stalls as they want. It’s their prop- erty. Moreover, the size of the stalls and the associated hashed-out walkways, which I call “gores,” are also given in terms of minimums. Those sizes are 8 feet for the HC stall, and ei- ther 8 feet or 5 feet for the gores. Keep that in mind you may not need to black out. DAN ZURCHER That was the case for the Rusty Bucket Restaurant. It was a simple request to add more HC stalls. With 45 feet to work with, there were two options. Option one was to black out the existing stripes, since none would line up with the new layout. We would then lay out four 8-foot HC stalls, one 8-foot gore and one 5-foot gore, totaling the 45 feet. These are all minimum dimensions. Option two was to simply convert the ex- isting stalls to accept three new HC stalls and then hash out two necessary gores. Remember, two HC stalls can share one gore. This client already had the three necessary HC stalls else- where and wanted the van-accessible, hashed- out walkway next to the existing concrete bull nose on the right. That bull nose and sidewalk may later be converted to include wheel- chair-accessible ramps. That meant two new, CUT STRIPING TIME BY 50 % Add the GL 1000 Laser Guidance System onto your existing equipment! 3 0 DAY AR • One Person Operation • NO Chalk or String Lines NEY BA MO ANTE E S FASTER - STRAIGHTER - EASY TO USE MANUFACTURING, INC. www.laserlinemfg.com 541-548-0882 For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [18] 1.800.210.5923