APE APE July 2019 | Page 12

FEATURE want to consider expanding on the ser- vices offered in order to grow. “If you’re simply doing re-stripes, then add layout work to your business. . . and what about indoor striping in the off-season for contractors in the north,” stated Mike Vang- stad, global product marketing manager of the Pavement Maintenance & Turf Prod- ucts area for Graco Contractor Equipment Division, Minneapolis, Minn. “There are electric, battery powered solutions that are ideal for these indoor applications. Or add line removal or thermoplastic applications to your offerings.”. Technology is changing and shaping the pavement marking industry. Software is being developed where it is possible to track, measure, and control each aspect of a project. Digital display units can show PSI, miles per hour, mils-instant average, lineal feet completed, gallons of material used, and mils total. “Consider how autonomous cars and trucks are changing and shaping the mar- ket,” Lowis said. “Although there’s incred- ible technologies used to create these cars and trucks, they still rely on proper road markings. Driverless vehicles not only need lane lines but they must be able to read or sense lane-level markings such as stop lines, crossings, arrows, intersections, and location reference points. And, they must be able to ‘see’ them in all condi- tions—rain, snow, darkness, and fog. As the requirements and technologies ad- vance for highway applications, they will be used on parking lots and parking ga- rages, too.” In the “Traffic Road Marking Coatings Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report” which summarizes the research of Grand View Research based in San Francisco, Calif. the researchers conclud- ed that: “The market has witnessed in- creasing investments in intelligent street marking systems and machines that help in recording the driver speed, driving con- ditions, and temperature while commu- nicating it to the vehicle’s sensor system. Paint is widely used for travel lane, load- ing zone, and parking space markings. Thermoplastic coat, which is also known as hot melt marking, is gaining advantage owing to its properties, such as longevity and retro-reflectivity.” Gruenburg stated: “”Clearly, there is a trend of moving away from water-based to acetone-based marking material. The advantage of acetone-based is that it’s more durable and dries faster.” No matter how the future unfolds, it ap- pears that pavement striping and marking will be a part of it. The need is there. And it will almost be certain that in the future there will still be a rude driver in a busy parking lot hogging two spots...even if the driver is a robot! Jeff Winke is a business and construction writer based in Milwaukee, Wis. He can be reached through [email protected]. RAE Products & Chemicals Corporation 1-877-275-7550 [email protected] ~ A reputation for excellence since 1976 ~ AT RAE, SUPPLY IS AS OUR EXCELLENT Certified WBE/DBE Certified WBE/DBE YELLOW AMARILLO 4902 Acrylic Latex YELLOW AMARILLO Latex Acrilico Traffic Marking Paint MADE IN AMERICA Pintura de la marca del tráfico For Industrial and Commercial Use Para el uso industrial y comercial KEEP FROM F REEZING LATEX HEALTH 1 FLAMMABILITY 0 PHYSICAL HAZARD 0 PERSONAL PROTECTION X Meets Federal Specification TT-P-1952B WARNING! ! JUST AS IMPORTANT ADVERTENCIA! K EEP F ROM F REEZING . M AY C AUSE S KIN AND E YE I RRITATIONS . H ARMFUL IF E ATEN OR S WALLOWED . Subsistencia de la congelación. Mayo Irritaciones de la piel y de ojo de la causa. Dañoso si está comido o tragado. (S EE O THER C AUTIONS ON B ACK P ANEL ) (V EA OTRAS PRECAUCIONES EN PANEL TRASERO ) RAE Products & Chemicals Corporation 5 U.S. Gallon ~ A reputation for excellence since 1976 ~ 18.925 Litros KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. QUALITY! For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [12] 1.800.210.5923