APE APE Issue 0519 | Page 18

ASPHALT ANSWERS What’s the Final Price? Total Cost of Ownership Drives Purchases he last few months we have been traveling the country doing a lot of trade shows and open houses. These are great times to get one- on-one time with the people who know the most about the machines and what they can do, and sometimes most im- portantly, what they can’t do. We get to hear from the contractors their ideas on how we can engineer machines that make their jobs easier and consequently, make more money. It’s a great time to be alive! Contractors, on the other hand have been spit-polishing and fine-tuning their equipment getting ready for the season, which has started with a bang. Like one contractor told me, “I looked down the tracks to see how far they went and got hit by the train!” This got www.callape.com me thinking about what a contractor is really thinking when he asks about the price of the machine. Now, there are some that only concern themselves with acquisition cost, that is what is the cost today and how will I pay for it? Oth- ers are more concerned with total cost of ownership (TCO). These are the purchasers that I want to discuss today, because they are the ones really putting thought into their purchase. Honestly, contractors aren’t looking for anything different today than they were 30 years ago. They are looking for a reliable machine that is easy to oper- ate and easy to maintain. The element that has changed is how to achieve this end result. Tier 4 is the biggest culprit because it is a new paradigm on how we maintain and monitor our engines. [18] BRIAN HALL New asphalt mixes and emulsion de- signs dictate how we treat these ele- ments on the jobsite. New regulations are always popping up on how we can properly clean our machines without hurting the environment. Today, let’s discuss 3 factors you should consider when you price a new machine. Operator comfort and safety. Your workers are your number one asset so you should treat them as such. If they have a comfortable work area, those 12 hour days go by a lot faster and their quality of work at the end of the day is as good as it was at 7 am. Easily laid out controls that are within reach really make the difference. Also make sure that e-stops are within easy reach 1.800.210.5923