Prepping Your Marketing
for the Busy Season
s your busy season draws near,
now is the time to make sure you
have all your ducks in a row to
keep your business’s marketing
moving smoothly through the coming
1. Review The Big Picture
If you don’t have any marketing goals
yet, maybe now’s the time to make
them! Identify where your going as a
business, what your marketing strategy
is to get there, and who you're trying
to reach with your marketing. Keep this
big picture, you’ll review the fine points
of your plan in step 3.
2. Set Benchmarks
Marketing review without bench-
marks is like limbo without a pole. You
won’t know if you made it to the next
round if you don’t measure. But, what
metrics prove if your marketing is work-
ing or not? Start at the top - your big
money benchmark to track marketing
performance is, you guessed it, sales.
Then dig deeper - review your building
metrics - this benchmark data lets you
know things are building in the direc-
tion you want to go. I call building met-
rics because they should almost always
be increasing: website visits, website
leads, inbound phone calls, clicks on