APE APE August 2019 | Page 16

EXPERT ADVICE CEO of CPM/Rayner Equipment Systems, Sacramento, Calif. “With 45 years in the business, I have seen the real value in pavement protec- tion verses lots left unsealed and lat- er repaved at a considerably higher expense, while those that have been systematically sealed remain service- able at the same age point--pennies now or dollars later.” As the oils leave, the asphalt gets harder. But if too much of the oils oxidize out the pavement becomes brittle and more susceptible to cracking. Thus, a sealcoat should be applied before that happens. Looking at the life of an asphalt paved surface... when asphalt is first placed, it is loaded up with oils. Some of that oil will oxidize out, which is good, because it strengthens the pavement. As the oils leave, the Parking Curbs! Durable Recycled Rubber – Eco-Friendly Lightweight- Easily Transported and Installed Always in Stock & Ready to Ship! 1.888.881.9906 www.ghrubbersupply.com G&H Rubber Supply Co. a GNR Master Distributor For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry [16] 1.800.210.5923