APE APE August 2019 | Page 12

EXPERT ADVICE Sealcoating preserves pavement and helps to keep the pavement flex- ible by sealing in the asphalt oils. “Sealcoating slows pavement dete- rioration and improves the life cycle costs of that pavement investment,” Dubey said. “Clearly, it should be the starting point of a complete pavement maintenance program.” Whether it’s a refined tar seal- er, which was first introduced in the 1950s, or a more current as- phalt-based sealer or the environ- mentally and user-friendly new resin surface introduced in 2014, the ex- perts appear to agree that a protec- tive sealcoat layer can slow down the degradation of the hot mix asphalt pavement. And the emphasis is on slowing down the deterioration since nothing will prevent the inevitable. Asphalt pavement offers poor re- sistance to ultraviolet radiation and sunlight, which results in oxidation of the pavement, which causes a loss For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [12] 1.800.210.5923