tar because it is almost odorless and
much more user friendly. Because of
its perceived environmental advan-
tage, asphalt emulsions are becoming
more popular in the East. However,
asphalt emulsions are not generally fa-
vored by the end user because of color
fade, increased cost in many cases, and
a shorter lifespan.
Petroleum Resin sealers were recent-
ly developed to address environmental
concerns of refined tar sealers and low-
er performance properties of asphalt
sealers. Petroleum Resin sealers have
the fuel resistance of refined tar sealers,
functionally meet FAA and other fed-
eral specifications, have low odor and
Petroleum Resin sealers
have the fuel resistance of
refined tar sealers,
functionally meet FAA
and other federal
specifications, have low
odor and minimal skin
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minimal skin irritation. Some have
found that this type of sealer cures
faster than the other types of sealers.
It can be applied in a wider range of
temperatures and other environmen-
tal conditions as well having a longer
life as compared to asphalt emulsion
sealers. Collins noted that refined
tar sealers still perform the best but
petroleum resin sealers have quickly
become a suitable alternative.
In recent years refined tar sealers
have come under attack from environ-
mental agencies and some local gov-
ernments because of their Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) con-
tent. It is recommended to research
which types of sealers are approved for
use in your area.
“When selecting a asphalt emulsion