The APD Police Cadet Program spent the summer participating in competitions and training . The Cadets competed in eight events in the Irving Deep Nights Events , hosted by Irving PD and took 2 nd place overall .
" Lawn Enforcement Officer " Rodney Smith Jr ., who travels across the country providing free lawn care services to first responders , traveled to Arlington to provide services for Officer Carla Strauser after he learned about the tremendous effort she puts into Santa Cops each year .
APD received the Arlington ISD Community Partner of the Year Award at AISD ' s State of the District event .
Tarrant County ' s Alliance For Children held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at their newly expanded and renovated center . The center houses APD ' s Crimes Against Children Unit ( CACU ).
APD held its 38 th annual Santa Cops Event where members of the department and community provided toys based on requests received from the school district and officers .
Arlington hosted a Victory Parade for the World Series Champs , the Texas Rangers . Based on estimates , it is believed that 700,000 fans attended . APD was in full force and worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and success of the parade .
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