On behalf of the men and women of the Arlington Police Department , I am pleased to present this 2023 Annual Report . Your police department strives every day to provide excellent service , keep our community safe , and deliver results .
Our commitment to proactive policing , community engagement , and innovative strategies has led to reductions in violent crime ( -17 %), crimes against property ( -2 %), and crimes against society ( -6 %).
We continue to make investments in our Real Time Crime Center and
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other technologies that will make us more efficient , provide us with better information , and keep officers and community members safer .
We created a new Human Exploitation And Trafficking ( HEAT ) Unit to refocus and enhance our ability to combat these heinous crimes and target predators in our community .
We ’ ve expanded comminuty initiatives like Cooking with Cops and National Night Out – and we continue to forge new pathways to better connect with our residents , visitors , and stakeholders .
This report serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication of our officers and staff , as well as the invaluable support and collaboration from our community members .
As I often say , public safety is not just a police issue . It ’ s a community issue . Through our continued partnership , I believe we can make significant strides in creating the safest community in America .
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