City of Arlington General Fund Budget
$ 296,097,883
Operating Expenses $ 18,450,669
Cost of New Police Recruit
Police % of City General Fund Budget
40.95 %
Total Police Department Budget
$ 121,264,509
Personnel Services $ 101,905,854
$ 72,211.24
$ 21,409.70 ( with insurance ) $ 12,263.70 ( w / o insurance )
$ 14,302.35
Grants $ 3,744,521
2023 Intimate Partner Violence Funding for four counselors to support victims of IPV and one detective to investigate and prosecute IPV crimes .
$ 404,000
2022 JAG to purchase 21 Fixed Automatic License Plate Recognition cameras $ 120,597
2022 State JAG to purchase 430 pistol mounted lights for sworn personnel $ 50,000
2023 STEP Comprehensive $ 215,000
2022 STEP CMV $ 67,000
Urban Areas Security Initiative ( UASI ) Homeland Security Grant Program – Personnel , equipment , and software to support homeland security efforts
$ 1,510,546
2023 COPS De-Escalation Funding to purchase a Virtual Reality Training Simulator for APD recruits and officers . $ 103,286
COPS Mental Health and Wellness Funding for crisis intervention training for Peer Support Team members and mindfulness training for sworn personnel . $ 140,454
Countering Domestic Violent
Extremism Opensource analysis , threat assessment tools , suspicious activity reporting of domestic violent extremism $ 116,800
In 2022 , APD secured a total of 15 grant awards . In addition to the highlights above , APD received $ 1,223,300 in funding for equipment and supplies . This included the purchase of automated license plate recognition cameras and bullet-resistant shields . APD also received $ 282,000 in funding for personnel , including funding for overtime dedicated to improving traffic safety . Additional grant awards in the amount of $ 80,935 supported initiatives ranging from adding new digital investigation tools to increasing travel and training for APD staff .
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