The Community Action Team ( CAT ) was formed in early 2021 by Chief Al Jones . CAT combined all the District HEAT Units ( Hotspot Enforcement Assistance Teams ) from across the city into one integrated operational cadre . The purpose of CAT , which has two sergeants and 14 officers , is to identify , arrest , and disrupt criminal enterprises across the City of Arlington . CAT accomplishes this by working closely with both investigative units and patrol districts utilizing intelligence-led policing practices . Whether it is chasing down a dangerous suspect , monitoring a crime scene perimeter , or assisting Patrol officers on a perilous call , CAT is at the forefront of helping keep the Arlington community safe .
Guns Seized 41 Drug Arrests 132 Known Offender Arrests 40 Gang Member Arrests 12 Warrants Served 379 Total Arrests 250 Subject / Traffic Stops 857
32 | 2021 Annual Report