APD Annual Report - 2020 Annual Report APD Annual Report - 2020 Annual Report | Page 71

13,085 Volunteer Hours
266 Active Volunteers Serving


Volunteers have always played an integral role in assisting the department to achieve success in community programs and public safety efforts . With COVID-19 affecting every aspect of the organization , volunteers were unable to assist as in years past . Amidst the pandemic , volunteers continued to serve in limited capacities . Though most of our staple programs were temporarily canceled , volunteers still participated in activities such as the Dog Walker Watch and Citizens on Patrol . There are currently 266 volunteers who participate in the Volunteer program .
In order to show appreciation for all volunteers , the department modified the annual Volunteer Appreciation event . Typically , the ceremony is held as a large-scale in-person event that highlights volunteer participation . Due to the pandemic , the Crime Prevention Unit created personalized baskets to recognize nine volunteers who were nominated and won in their respective categories of distinguished service .
Crime Prevention Officer Kimberly Fretwell hosted prayer meetings throughout the city with the Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership ( ACAPP ) Organization . ACAPP encouraged citizens to uplift one another along with community leaders . The department looks forward to welcoming the many volunteers that give their time to serve in a variety of roles that had to be postponed .
As of March 1 , 2021 , the department ’ s COP Mobile program will re-start , allowing volunteers to proactively assist field officers by patrolling areas of the city . The department is looking for innovative ways to reintegrate volunteers back into police operations in a safe and socially-distant manner .


Arlington Police Volunteers Made a Positive Impact On Crime
13,085 Volunteer Hours
266 Active Volunteers Serving

Dollar amount saved : $ 176,647

Arlington , Texas Police Department |