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APP Reviews


By apacketofchris

Flap No More!

Our Ratings

We would give Flappy Bird a 4.5* for entertainment and frustraition factors.


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This is the news, that new loved app Flappy Bird will no longer be flapping their wings as creater, Dong Nguyen takes it off the app market.

Fortunately for those of you fortunate to have the app on your iPhone, there are people online right now willing to pay mega-bucks for your phone. Reportedly someone has offered to pay over $13,000 for an iPhone containing the Flappy Bird app.

Thae Flappy Bird app was fun, time consuming and entertaining. It was a simple app where all you had to do was help a bird fly through piping, simple but at the same time annoyingly frustrating. It has brought many hours of entertainment to those who downloaded it. Even though its life span was short lived, it served a useful gap in the time filling market. In its short lifetime, it managed to become one of the more popular apps on the app store.

To summarise, Flappy Bird was;


Short Lived

and Loved.

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