Aparté No 2 | Page 35

A longing for somewhere else
“ After living in a confined Parisian flat for three years , we started to get a serious urge to go elsewhere ,” says Sarah , who recently moved to Mauritius . A feeling of being out of place and the desire to immerse themselves in a new culture led her and her husband to consider an expatriate life . “ We realised that the routine of Paris no longer suited us – even more so since our son was born . We wanted to give him the opportunity to discover something new . And Mauritius , with its multiculturalism and beautiful scenery , ticked a lot of boxes . That ’ s why we left .”
There is no going back !
Mais finalement , tout quitter , n ’ estce pas fuir sa vie ? Car derrière cette volonté s ’ exprime souvent le besoin de changer quelque chose qui , se dit-on , entraînera le reste dans son sillage . D ’ après l ’ auteure , une stratégie de fuite tient rarement dans la durée : « Quel que soit le changement , aussi grand soit-il , il n ’ efface pas le passé , les douleurs , certains traumatismes . Au contraire , sur cette page blanche , ils n ’ en seront que plus visibles ». La réponse est peut-être ailleurs … Pour Anaïs Vanel , une chose est sûre : « On se focalise beaucoup trop sur un objectif fantasmé plutôt que d ’ apprécier le chemin et ce qu ’ il a à nous montrer ».
Ainsi , à l ’ image d ’ Elizabeth Gilbert qui , dans son roman autobiographique Mange , Prie , Aime , s ’ accorde un congé sabbatique pour se recentrer sur son propre bonheur , le changement peut simplement prendre la forme d ’ une parenthèse … Un temps rien qu ’ à soi qui a du bon !
Looking for a better , more balanced lifestyle , professional opportunity , the quest for a new adventure ... There are many reasons for leaving behind the familiar for a new country . But behind each choice is a common denominator : “ Those who take the plunge are often looking to make up for something lacking or out of kilter in their own lives . A change of environment offers opportunities , but also answers ... And that ’ s what makes expatriate life so appealing !” says Anaïs Honorez , Business Manager at Smart Traveller . For the past seven years , Smart Traveller has been helping individuals and companies with their expatriation plans . Becoming an expat is a major life decision ,” Anaïs continues . “ Some people sell their house , leave a secure and established life behind them ... There ’ s no going back . But these are people who have reached a turning point – they ’ ve had a breakthrough , they ’ re trying their luck . Once they ’ ve settled in Mauritius , I have to say they never regret it !”