Apartment Trends Magazine September 2019 | Page 8

FROM THE PRESIDENT SCOTT KIRKWOOD | GRIFFIS BLESSING Giving Back To The Apartment Association This article is for those of you who are not able to attend or contribute as a volunteer at AAMD events at this time. B ack in the early days of my career, the days of the Wild Wild West in real estate management. When the pre- eminent fee manager in Denver was McDermott, Stein and Ira, I was asked to give back to the association by speaking at the next Board meeting. At that time I was a young regional manager with a portfolio of bank owned assets. I remember that it seemed that everyone else in the organization knew each other. The group was rather large with the Board lined up in row on either side of a podium where the Chairman spoke. I only knew a handful of people at the meeting. My assignment was reading a list of names and acknowledging them for their contribution. There was no real prep time and no real support from the organization. Just a list of thirty names and a microphone. Needless to say it was a flop and many names were mispronounced that morning. The experience reinforced a fear of speaking and made me question how valuable my service would be. I left the meeting that day and did not return to the Association for many years. I found other ways to contribute by becoming a little league baseball coach and a planning commissioner while continuing to work in the apartment industry. Well, things have changed dramatically since those early days! The AAMD staff is much larger now. The main point of focus is to support the owner/supplier members. They facilitate networking opportunities at many levels so we have a chance to get to know each other better. There are now committees to join with leadership roles and a LEAP program where we can hone speaking skills. Staff members support each committee and provide guidance. There are networking opportunities before each monthly Board 6 | TRENDS SEPTEMBER 2019 meeting. The independent rental owner council (IROC) provides support to owners of smaller buildings. The supplier’s council is another option. I have now been to Washington D.C twice, meeting our Senators and Congressmen. Please take a hard look at the organization and find an area you are interested in. Find a way to attend an event or meeting. The friendship and support I have found will be there for you. The growth in knowledge and leadership will follow as you get engaged. You will feel the strength of the organization as you create a web of diversity. This is the reward as we give back to the industry that has given us so much. To those of you that are currently part of an apartment association event, committee or leadership, thank you for your contribution. To the past leaders of the Association, please find a way to stay involved. To the rest of you, we hope to see you at the next meeting or event! www.aamdhq.org