Apartment Trends Magazine September 2019 | Page 12

EDUCATION CATALOG OCTOBER 2019 THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON THURSDAY OCTOBER 24, 2019 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fair Housing for Maintenance Professionals MAINTENANCE HVAC Fundamentals and Troubleshooting MAINTENANCE $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE When your service staff interacts with residents, do they know how to deal with Fair Housing issues? Help them understand what's legal and what's not! This class is designed for Technicians and Service Managers at all levels. The class includes HVAC terminology, fundamentals of refrigerant and the refrigeration cycle, components, and functions of an HVAC system. In this class, the student will understand and practice troubleshooting to the individual component level. This will reduce troubleshooting time in the fi eld and develop effi ciency in system diagnostics. Developed specifi cally with Maintenance, Housekeeping, and Groundskeepers in mind, this course introduces on-site service staff to Fair Housing regulations and prepares them for interacting with residents TUESDAY OCTOBER 29, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON FRIDAY OCTOBER 11, 2019 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Keys to Supplier Success ABC's of NOI: Every Dollar Counts SUPPLIERS $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE The Supplier Success course is designed to offer an overview of the apartment industry and recommends ways that suppliers can maximize partnerships with apartment owners, apartment management companies, and apartment association members. TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON Fair Housing for Multifamily Professionals LEASING MANAGEMENT $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Make sure your community is in compliance with Fair Housing Regulations and Guidelines. This class gives management and leasing professionals detailed information on regulations and instructs managers and leasing professionals in handling diffi cult Fair Housing situations. new WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON Evictions with Dignity and Respect MAINTENANCE LEASING MANAGEMENT $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Eviction is one of the most emotionally diffi cult things that we must do as landlords. This course leads a discussion on fundamental aspects of eviction from the landlord perspective to bring dignity and respect to the eviction process for our tenants. As much as we do not want to evict, we know that it happens. This course is designed from a trauma-informed approach to the eviction process and strengthens de-escalation approaches to eviction, identifying strategies and resources with eviction prevention. OCTOBER 23 (9AM - 4PM) TO OCTOBER 24 (9AM - 12PM) EPA / CFC 608 Certifi cation MAINTENANCE $295 MEMBER | $499 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE This course is designed to provide associates with the knowledge necessary to pass the Federal EPA 608 exam. It has several sections which include Core, Type I, Type II, Type III, and a universal certifi cation. Associates can pass any or all of the sections. If a passing score is achieved on all 4 sections, they will receive a Universal certifi cation (now including the R-410a refrigerant). This certifi cation is required by law for anyone that works on HVAC systems. Mark’s teaching methods and simple to understand delivery of technical information give this class one of the highest success rates. Every technician should be certifi ed! LEASING MANAGEMENT $49 MEMBER | $59 GENERAL ADMISSION | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE GPR – VAC = EGI + OI = GOI – OE = NOI If you don’t know what this means, you should attend this course! Everyone on your team makes an impact to the success of your community as it relates to fi nancial performance, and every dollar earned and spent counts when it comes to NOI – the Net Operating Income. In this class everyone on your team will learn about NOI and learn how to identify ways your community can become more profi table. In this class, students will learn the NOI equation and be given specifi c examples of how each position impacts NOI such as: Maintenance completing a make ready one day early. What does an extra day of rent mean to the bottom line. How small changes to rent or fees can affect NOI - increasing rent by $2 can pay for a golf cart for the community. What you can do to impact the bottom line. NOVEMBER 2019 new WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON How to Write a Strong Proposal SUPPLIERS $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON Outreach Marketing: Generating Traffi c for Your Community LEASING MANAGEMENT $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Want to add to your value as a top performing Leasing Consultant? How about more leases, increasing your closing ratio and earning more bonuses? This course will teach you how to implement and activate a successful and fun outreach marketing program at your community. new WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2019 | 9:00 AM - NOON Affordable Housing in Denver LEASING MANAGEMENT $49 MEMBER | $79 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Day 1 of class (October 23) will be the instructional portion of the class. Day 2 (October 24) is scheduled from 9-12pm and will be the testing portion of the class. Please note this class is a day and a half. 10 | TRENDS SEPTEMBER 2019 www.aamdhq.org