My apartment community is turning into a dog house!
I’m an experienced manager with a high-rise that is now leased-up. I’m not sure I have ever run a property with so many
dogs. I don’t want to say that my building is “going to the dogs” because we have been proud to offer a “pet-friendly” policy.
I believe it was one of the reasons we enjoyed a successful lease-up.
Here’s my problem in a nut-shell. Dogs in common-areas, lobbies and elevators are becoming a major resident problem.
People and especially children intimidated by their presence; problems between dogs that erupt into a situation; and
residents avoiding elevators and hallways because of the odor from dog urine and debris. Help!
y experience is that I love
dogs and strongly believe
that responsible “pet
owners” become settled
into their apartment home, making satisfied
residents for extended lease periods.
I have been privileged to be part of
high-rise management teams in urban
areas and have been assigned to properties
where the dog-resident ratio is key to
leasing success. I learned along the way
that the idea of “pet friendly” is great in
concept but like yours, these communities
need a management plan to solve the
same issues you’re reporting. What has
taken me by surprise are the number of
residents that are intimidated/annoyed by
uncontrolled dogs “left unattended” taken
to the wrong place or put into the wrong
situation. There is little resident tolerance
for irresponsible owners.
If possible every “pet-friendly”
community should have amenities for these
pets. For dogs, this can be “dog-parks” dog
walking and/or doggie day-care. Whether
there are special amenities or not, there
must certainly be policies in place that are
supported by responsible dog owners. You
need responsible “alpha dog owners” to
consistently be part of the solution; taking
the lead because they appreciate what they
have and will work to ensure the longevity
of “pet-friendly” policies.
spells out expected behavior. Having said
this, most addenda I have read need re-
writing. So, the following represents the
reality for most; at least for now.
In a high-rise apartment community,
it often requires that the team in place
must experience a real situation, come
together to solve it, further consider other
possible scenarios to expand the policies
to incorporate the “what-ifs”. Then you
memorialize it into an addendum that is
appropriate to the present and preventative
going forward.
So, steps to get from where you’re at to
this point? Let me lay out suggestions for
your consideration. These examples have
In Lobbies, Hallways, Elevators and in
other common areas make sure to hang up
signage. Examples include:
• Pets only “on leash” in designated areas.
Thank you.
Broadly promote throughout
community, strongly request attendance
using RSVP, spend time and budget to
confront issues with demonstrable intent
to resolve. Bring in outside experts that
establish evidence for supporting your
approach as appropriate and sustainable
actions. Incorporate fun, full disclosure
and discussion. Ask for acceptance,
accountability and leadership from every
dog owner present. Build consensus for a
responsible pet-friendly community.
That can include: designated pet
floors, pet stairwells, elevators, entryways,
and possible amenities. Remember to
include the importance of your intent to
manage this “pet-friendly” benefit at your
community before there is an incident
shifting the option of insurers to disallow.
Good luck!
• Pets not allowed in this area, Thank you.
A well-crafted Pet Addendum must
spell out this common understanding.
Likewise, there should be an Assistant
Animal Addendum (as needed) that also