Apartment Trends Magazine March 2020 | Page 19

HOME ROOM CLASSES HOME Room Grand Opening Special Pricing $20 for all March Seminars! MARCH FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Electrical Circuits & Multimeters In this training, participants will learn about a key electrical basic, the simple circuit, and a tool no maintenance professional should be without; a multimeter. This seminar will ensure your maintenance professionals understand circuit maintenance and repairs utilizing key repair and testing tools. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Plumbing: Toilets, Tubs, Showers & More! Toilets, tubs, showers, faucets, sinks, and disposals are some of the most common plumbing service requests submitted by residents. This seminar will help attendees troubleshoot, identify and repair most maintenance requests regarding these items. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM How it Works: Disassembly & Reassembly of Major Appliances During this course, students will be able to disassemble and reassemble major appliances to gain a better understanding of the equipment and how it can be repaired. APRIL THURSDAY, APRIL 30 | 9AM – 12PM SIMPLE FIXES: APPLIANCE REPAIR THURSDAY, APRIL 30 | 1PM – 4PM HOW IT WORKS: DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY OF MAJOR APPLIANCES Curb Appeal & Building Inspections TUESDAY, MAY 12 | 9AM – 12PM The goal of curb appeal is to make sure that the outside appearance of the apartment community— and its public areas inside—always look attractive to those who see it. Maintenance teams and leasing teams alike need to develop a careful eye for curb appeal. It is important to see the grounds through the eyes of current residents, potential future residents, and those on the owner or management team. Make ready maintenance involves preparing an apartment home for a future resident with the goal to make the apartment “as good as new.” To achieve this goal, however, maintenance professionals need more than just their hands, tools, and a checklist. Indeed, they must learn how to see a just-vacated apartment through the eyes of the future resident, as well as those of the management team or owner. Electrical 101: Theory, Distribution, & Safety Apartment communities have four main types of heating: electric baseboard heating, electric furnace heating, gas furnace heating and hydronic heating. This course contains a little general science, a little mechanical reasoning, and a good dose of practical application to help you tackle the most common issues related to each heating system. REPAIR FUNDAMENTALS FOR WATER HEATERS MAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM HVAC: Types of Heating & Preventative Maintenance TUESDAY, APRIL 28 | 9AM – 12PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Make Ready Maintenance & Procedures WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM APRIL Right now, thousands of apartment residents are fl ipping on a light switch, watching TV, cooking a meal, working on a computer, or reading by the light of a lamp. No one likes to be in the dark or without access to the things they regularly use. Therefore, it’s important to handle electrical problems quickly—but even more critically, to do so safely. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Exercise Equipment Maintenance & Repair Presented by Colorado Cardio Gym Equipment Outlet, The Exercise Equipment Maintenance Education Series Students will learn how to Provide a Quarterly Preventative Maintenance (if not provided by outside service contract), general Cleaning and Tips on Maintaining Equipment between Quarterly Maintenance. They will be able to identifying Problems/Steps to properly resolving issues with equipment as they arise. Students will also learn the best principles to extend the lifespan of all your equipment. COOLING SYSTEMS SIMPLE FIXES & PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TUESDAY, MAY 26 | 9AM – 12PM ELECTRICAL: WIRES, PANELS, BREAKERS & FUSES WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 | 9AM – 12PM PLUMBING: PIPES, FITTINGS & CLEAN-OUTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 | 1PM – 4PM PLUMBING: TOILETS, TUBS, SHOWERS AND MORE! THURSDAY, MAY 28 | 9AM – 12PM MAKE READY MAINTENANCE & PROCEDURES JUNE TUESDAY, JUNE 9 | 9AM – 12PM CURB APPEAL & BUILDING INSPECTIONS TUESDAY, JUNE 16 | 9AM – 12PM ELECTRICAL 101: THEORY, DISTRIBUTION & SAFETY TUESDAY, JUNE 16 | 1PM – 4PM ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS & MULTIMETERS THURSDAY, JUNE 18 | 9AM – 12PM HOW IT WORKS: DISASSEMBLY & REASSEMBLY OF MAJOR APPLIANCES TUESDAY, JUNE 23 | 9AM – 12PM INTERIOR MAINTENANCE & REPAIR: SHARPEN YOUR REPAIR SKILLS REGISTER AT WWW.AAMDHQ.ORG CERTIFIED POOL OPERATOR (CPO) $295 MEMBER | $495 NON-MEMBER | QTY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Keeping your pool, sauna or spa in top working condition ensures the longevity of your asset and the safety of your residents. By attending this course and becoming a Certifi ed Pool Operator® (CPO) the persons responsible for maintaining your pool, sauna or spa will have a better understanding of the laws and basic upkeep techniques of pool and spa operations. The CPO certifi cation course requires participation in the two-day certifi cation program taught by a certifi ed CPO instructor and will provide individuals with the basic knowledge, techniques, and skills of pool and spa operations and maintenance. The CPO certifi cation program requires a passing score in the open-book written examination. The CPO certifi cation is valid for fi ve years. www.aamdhq.org DATES: (EACH SESSION IS TWO DAYS) APRIL 9 & 10 MAY 13 & 14 JUNE 24 & 25 JULY 22 & 23 OCTOBER 6 & 7 DECEMBER 9 & 10 MARCH 2020 TRENDS | 17