Apartment Trends Magazine March 2020 | Page 11

ASSOCIATION NEWS JUST PRACTICE UPCOMING AT AAMD MAINTENANCE TECHS GATHER TO PRACTICE FOR MAINTENANCE MANIA! MARCH JUST PRACTICING! Maintenance techs from Greystar, Mercy Housing, MAXX Properties, Woodspear, Mission Rock and Echelon are here practicing for Maintenance Mania! MARCH 10 SUPPLIERS COUNCIL WORKING WITH AFFORDABLE HOUSING MARCH 13 Keep your eyes peeled for another Free Practice Session next month and don't forget to register for Colorado Maintenance Mania on April 16 APARTMENT ALL STARS MARCH 18 AAMD ORIENTATION MARCH 19 POWER LUNCH LEGISLATIVE UPDATE APRIL APRIL 7 SUPPLIERS COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP SNAPSHOT TOTAL MEMBERS 2,529 COMMUNITIES OWNER / MGMT SUPPLIERS UNIT COUNT 1,483 441 605 247,301 ON-SITE SPOTLIGHT JOSH HUGGINS PARQ AT ILIFF STATION JOSH HUGGINS has been in the industry and with Alliance Residential for 1 ½ years. His positive attitude is contagious, and he is constantly making the staff laugh. He is amazing with the residents and goes above and beyond to ensure they love their home. He has taken on the leasing manager tasks without being asked by the Business Manager. He completed a garage audit which increased the garage occupancy from 20%-52%. He updates the move in board, leasing goals, and specials every week without being asked to. Parq at Iliff Station would be lost without him. CASINO EVENT WITH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANIES APRIL 16 MAINTENANCE MANIA APRIL 23 POWER LUNCH APRIL 28 IROC: BUY / SELL / HOLD STRATEGIES FOR EVERY INVESTMENT PLAN MAY MAY 20 EDUCATION CONFERENCE & TRADESHOW If you'd like to feature an on-site team member at an upcoming Power Program and in Apartment Trends Magazine, please email [email protected] with their name and a short paragraph or bullet points about the person. www.aamdhq.org MARCH 2020 TRENDS | 9