Apartment Trends Magazine July 2019 | Page 22

FIVE QUESTIONS FROM MIKE TO SCOTT This year, AAMD starts a new tradition where the past president asks the incoming present five questions for members to get to know them. Mike and Scott spent some time at Scott's ranch where they chatted and also filmed a short movie. Mike: What do you see as the Association’s greatest need during your term? Scott: With the recent changes in the Government Affairs Department we have a chance to redefine staff member roles while pursuing a coordinated effort to confront legislative challenges to our industry. What do you view as your greatest strength as a leader? When a difficult decision is needed the buck stops at my desk. Twelve months from now what do you hope to have achieved? It is so important to identify and develop the next wave of AAMD leaders. What do you do to blow off steam? Besides a stiff drink, a pasture full of cattle is hard to beat. If you could permanently change something for the better, what would it be? I would be a much better dancer. SCAN THE QR CODE TO WATCH "SADDLE UP" WITH MIKE & SCOTT. 20 | TRENDS JULY 2019 www.aamdhq.org