Apartment Trends Magazine July 2019 | Page 11

ASSOCIATION NEWS 10 Day Notice Now in Effect The Governor signed the new 10-Day Demand Bill into Law on May 20, 2019. All Demands posted on or after this date must include new 10-Day cure period. If you served a 3-day demand after May 19, 2019 you MUST RE-SERVE, THIS INCLUDES ALL RENT, COMPLIANCE, & NOTICES TO QUIT as 10-DAY DEMANDS. MARK YOUR CALENDAR VISIT WWW.AAMDHQ.ORG FOR DETAILS AND TO SIGN UP JULY JULY 18 AAMD ORIENTATION JULY 23 IROC MULTIFAMILY MARKET MID- YEAR UPDATE PERSON OF THE MONTH Each month we have recognized an AAMD member for their involvement in the Association and commitment to the industry. Each person of the month had the opportunity to name a charity and AAMD would donate $250 under their name JULY 24-25 DESIGNATION SERIES CERTIFIED POOL OPERATOR ED SCHELL (April) JULY 25 HD Supply Ed Schell has been a strong supporter and partner for many years. This year marked the 20th Anniversary of the Maintenance Olympics and he has been the chair for every single of those events. He has been instrumental in the growth and development of that event which saw record attendance of over 1800 attendees. In addition to being the chair of each Maintenance Olympics, he has also committed his company to be the Presenting Sponsor for each of those events. AAMD is currently expanding our offices to include our Home Room (Hands On Maintenance Education). Ed, has once again stepped up to the plate as a leader in this industry and committed his company to a major multi-year sponsorship that will allow the AAMD to provide state of the art education for our Service Team Members. Congratulations Ed! AMIE ROBERTSHAW (May) ECONOMIC CONFERENCE AUGUST AUGUST 9 GOLF TOURNAMENT AUGUST 13- SEPTEMBER 9 DESIGNATION SERIES CERTIFICATE FOR APARTMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN AUGUST 28 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Echelon Property Group Amie has used her talents in many capacities this month. She worked up a sweat as the chair of the Spring Clean committee, sits on the Board of Directors and was recently elected the Secretary for the upcoming 2019-2020 Board of Directors. Through her leadership, the Echelon Property Group is always represented well and showing their support at all AAMD events. Congratulations Amie! OCTOBER OCTOBER 22 IROC BEER FEST SNAPSHOT: AAMD MEMBERSHIP AS OF JUNE 2019 TOTAL MEMBERS 2,472 www.aamdhq.org COMMUNITIES 1,421 OWNER / MGMT 434 SUPPLIERS 617 UNIT COUNT 237,170 JULY 2019 TRENDS | 9