Our teammates at Mission Rock have a lot to say
about Janelle – not surprisingly, the sentiments
are consistent:
“She taught me to believe in myself and to feel
worthy of my accomplishments”
“She is strong, compassionate, smart, patient,
empowering, driven and unstoppable”
“I am constantly reminded of how fortunate I am to
have such an incredible leader and mentor”
“Beyond blessed to have her on my side”
“Unfailing kindness and grace”
Last month, I had the honor of
installing the new AAMD president,
Janelle French. I have been incredibly
fortunate to work with Janelle for nearly
8 years at Mission Rock. We met through
the AAMD about 10 years ago when Julie
Evans-Schmitt and I took Janelle to lunch
to schmooze and bring her into the AAMD
family. We all thought then, the exact
same thing that everyone who meets Janelle
thinks now. How can one of the smartest
people I’ve ever met also be so full of grace?
Unwavering Grace. That is the epitome
of Janelle. Grace in how she treats
everyone, without exception. Grace in
how she dedicates herself completely to
her commitments and grace in how she
unfailingly brings out the best in everyone.
So often in our work lives we have
very spirited (and loud) discussions. Our
business is certainly not lacking in strong
opinions - and the loud expression of those
opinions. Occasionally very loud. Janelle
takes a different approach.
Stephen Hawking once said, "Quiet
people have the loudest minds." Janelle
is not going to be the loudest voice in the
room, but like the countless soft-spoken
leaders in history – when she speaks, we
listen. And we listen because what Janelle
has to say moves us forward, or provides the
solution, or gives the inspiration.
Janelle’s husband and boys teasingly
call her Dory – as in Finding Nemo Dory.
Janelle always claims that this is a result
of her forgetfulness (which I have not
experienced a single time) but I attribute it
to her optimistic, smiling, fortitude of “just
keep swimming”. Janelle is the person you
want to see when you’re stressed. When
you’ve hit the wall. When you’re out of ideas
and you’re frustrated beyond your limits.
You leave her presence soothed, inspired
and ready to tackle that which previously
confounded you.
Janelle has added so much to my life
personally, to her team, to our Mission
Rock Family and to the people she touches
every day. She is the perfect president
for the AAMD during these challenging
times and will lead this organization with
her unwavering grace, quiet strength and
optimistic fortitude.
Meredith wright is an Executive Vice President
at Mission Rock Residential and a member of
the AAMD Hall of Fame.