Apartment Trends Magazine August 2020 | Page 13

ASSOCIATION NEWS Verify Your Listing for the 2021 Directory AAMD’s annual Directory and Resource Guide is going to be published as usual this January 2021! The book is distributed to over 2,500 industry decision makers and we want to make sure your information is correct! You can update most of your information using the Member Compass by logging in at www.aamdhq.org and updating your business. You’re also welcome to update the mailed verification form or send an email to verifications@aamdhq.org. Interested in branding your listing? Both Owners and Suppliers have the ability to include their logo and messaging in the directory to stand out grow your business or team. Visit www.aamdhq.org/directory for price sheet and more information. Members Use Members! UPCOMING AT AAMD *SEE EDUCATION SECTION FOR ALL SCHEDULED/RESCHEDULED CLASSES AUGUST AUGUST 12 COLORADO MAINTENANCE OLYMPICS SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 9 APARTMENT ALL STARS OCTOBER OCTOBER 21 TRADE SHOW & EDUCATION CONFERENCE Yvonne Lens CAMP Construction "When i started working for camp construction service a few years ago the first thing i did was get us set up in the membership directory and upgrade our ad. Members use members and this is the perfect way for a supplier partner to be found by the management companies and their on-site teams. I remember when i worked on site, the membership directory was one of my most cherished resources for finding supplier partners. Now as a supplier it helps me gain visibility as a member of the AAMD and grow my business.” www.aamdhq.org AUGUST 2020 TRENDS | 11