Apartment Trends Magazine August 2019 | Page 23

Budgeting 2020 Your Most Important Expense W hen it comes to budgeting for next year, remember the most important expense is your team! They keep your business running, and with 30,000 apartment homes under construction, it is becoming more diffi cult to retain talent. The Metro Denver Apartment Industry Compensation Report features average & median salaries, bonuses, allowances, highs & lows, and detailed analysis for the following positions: Leasing Consultants, Maintenance Technicians, Assistant Managers, Housekeepers, Maintenance Supervisors, Groundskeepers, Property Managers, Regional Managers and VP/ Senior Management. Here is a glimpse of some statistics for Property Managers and Maintenance Supervisors: 355 PROPERTY MANAGERS (ALL) 9.6% CHANGE IN COMPENSATION (SINCE 2017) 3.5 31% 3.2 Fewer than 100 3.7 100-199 Units 3.1 200-299 Units AVERAGE TENURE (YEARS) 94,381 TOTAL UNITS RESPONSES ANNUAL EMPLOYEE TURNOVER 3.8 300-499 Units 4.0 More than 500 Units AVERAGE COMPENSATION / EMPLOYEE SUPERVISED Incentive Based 14.3% Base Salary 85.7% $74,857 5.3 AVERAGE OVERALL COMPENSATION AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED $19,019 $40,251 $20,277 Fewer than 100 FEWER THAN 100 UNITS 100-199 UNITS 200-299 UNITS $49,397 $56,351 8.5% AVE BASE SALARY AVE TOTAL SALARY 1.4 EMPLOYEES CHANGE IN COMPENSATION (SINCE 2017) $57,861 AVE BASE SALARY AVE TOTAL SALARY 3.4 3.3 EMPLOYEES TENURE AVERAGE (YEARS) $64,898 AVE BASE SALARY Fewer than 100 100-199 Units $11,904 200-299 Units $76,003 AVE TOTAL SALARY 307 RESPONSES AVE BASE SALARY 3.8 $87,369 85,480 TOTAL UNITS $74,903 AVE TOTAL SALARY AVE BASE SALARY 48% 3.6 100-199 Units 200-299 Units 4.8 EMPLOYEES 2.8 3.8 3.9 More than 500 Units AVE TOTAL SALARY EMPLOYEES ANNUAL 15.9 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER 7.1 EMPLOYEES 300-499 Units More than 500 Units MORE THAN 500 UNITS $84,283 $71,544 $5,481 300-499 Units 300-499 UNITS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS SUPVERVISORS (ALL) $67,523 $15,768 AVERAGE COMP PER EMPLOYEE SUPERVISED PROPERTY MANAGER page 7 AVERAGE COMPENSATION / EMPLOYEE SUPERVISED Incentive Based 10.8% Base Salary 89.2% $59,648 2.0 AVERAGE OVERALL COMPENSATION AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED $57,501 $52,834 $41,899 $30,587 $47,161 AVE BASE SALARY www.aamdhq.org $52,834 AVE TOTAL SALARY $12,810 AVERAGE COMP PER EMPLOYEE SUPERVISED Fewer than 100 FEWER THAN 100 UNITS $38,079 100-199 Units 200-299 Units 300-499 Units GET THE 2019 COMPENSATION REPORT AT WWW.AAMDHQ.ORG/COMPSTUDY 100-199 UNITS $48,721 AVE BASE SALARY $53,476 AVE TOTAL SALARY 200-299 UNITS $52,539 AVE BASE SALARY $58,658 AVE TOTAL SALARY 300-499 UNITS $57,484 AVE BASE SALARY $64,735 AVE TOTAL SALARY More than 500 Units MORE THAN 500 UNITS $62,693 AVE BASE $71,734 AVE TOTAL AUGUST 2019 SALARY TRENDS | 21 SALARY