AP Physics Study Packages AP Physics Fluids | Page 8

Fluids in Motion

Fluid dynamics –fluids in motion, more complex!

hydrodynamics–if the fluid in question is WATER

TWO types of fluid flow

Streamline or laminar flow–flow is smooth, such that

neighboring layers of fluid slide by each other smoothly;

each particle follows a smooth path without crossing (a)

Turbulent flow–erratic, small whirlpool-like circles

called eddy currents or eddies; a function of current

speed; Eddies absorb a great deal of E and increase

internal friction–viscosity (b)

mass flow rate–the mass (Δm) of fluid that passes a given point per unit time (Δt).

Mass flow rate = Δm/Δt

Equation of continuity - ρ1A1v1=ρ2A2v2

IF the fluid is Incompressible, then ρ1 = ρ2 AND A1v1=A2v2

where A1v1 is the volume rate of flow in m3/second

When the cross-sectional area is large, v is small. Ever squeeze a garden hose? OR put your thumb over the opening to make it smaller and spray the water at an unsuspecting target?