Anzzia Magazine Fall 2019 Volume #32 | Page 16

Anzzia: What role does the artist have in society?

Adi & Ernesto: We like to believe it's to inspire

Anzzia: What does your work aim to say? Is there a message behind your lyrics?

Adi: There is a bit of an underlying theme in our lyrics about battling internal demons as well as spiritual ones. I like to think that our music can speak to listeners in whichever way that they need to hear it at that moment, if that makes sense, revealing truths in themselves that maybe they've forgotten or are awakening to.

Anzzia: What do you feel is the best song that you have written and released. Why?

Adi: That's a tough one. I don't really see songs in those terms. Even some of the first songs I ever wrote, hold certain emotions and places in my heart. I leave it up to the listener to decide.

Anzzia: What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why?

Adi & Ernesto: Our favorite part is making music, performing, and connecting with people.

Our least favorite part is the instability of finances.

Anzzia: Who are you inspired by?

Adi: I'm inspired by people who are authentic, truthful, defeat the odds, and use their gifts for their greater good of the universe.

Anzzia: Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?

Adi & Ernesto: Yes, I think we both do. Ernesto is a bit more settled once we arrive at the venue. I'm a bit more introverted, OCD, and deal with depression so the whole thing is pretty anxiety-driven, but I also feel most at home performing and connecting with people-It's complicated.