Any Small Goodness
I read the novel,
Any Small Goodness
, by Tony Johnston. The book is about a family who moves
from mexico to a small barrio in LA that has some problems. Arturo, the main characters find a miracle
and a goodness can make a difference. The main characters in the book are Arturo, Luis, Rosa, Papi,
Mami, and Abuelita. Something unique about this book is that Arturo and his friends formed the
Green Need Gang, but they didn’t get revenge, Instead they gave back to the community.
The main idea of the story is the book is about a family who comes from mexico to a small barrio
LA that he finds that it take a miracle a goodness to make a difference. The story takes place in a
small little barrio in East LA. The story takes place in the late 1980’s or the early 1990’s. Something
unique about the LA is LA has this river with no water in it and muralists, homeless people, gangs,
skateboarders, bikers, and even drug dealer hung out there.
The main characters are Arturo, Rosa, Luis, Papi, Mami, and Abuelita. The relationships