Antiques and Collectables for Pleasure & Profit SUMMER 2013 | Page 6

home sweet home dressing a house It mIght be very ‘on trend’ to combIne antIque, modern and tradItIonal styles, patterns and colours In a room – but how do you make sure you don’t end up wIth the proverbIal dog’s dInner? specIalIst dealer JamIe allpress has been sIdelInIng as a successful stylIst for several years now and we asked hIm to share some of hIs secrets wIth us… ays Jamie: “I love to be bowled over by the immediate impact of that special piece when you enter a house or foyer of a building - that first impression is so important. So when I’m asked to style for a house, I give my impressions immediately. Okay, so they're not always complimentary, but you’ve got to be honest if you're asked for your professional advice.” Jamie is hired to style anything from single rooms to entire houses for various reasons. Sometimes they’re for sale and the owners want to maximise their potential; sometimes the owners are downsizing and they ask Jamie to style the new home using the furnishings they alrea