Antiques and Collectables for Pleasure & Profit SUMMER 2013 | Page 10

Est. 1970 Members QADA & AAADA Turn o’ ThE cEnTury AnTiQuEs F or beautiful Interiors and lovers of Antiques. 9ct 9LFWRULDQ $VWUDOJOD]HG LQODLG %XUHDX %RRNFDVH  cameo 5DUH EORRG RUDQJH *HQLH %RWWOH  Stunning French chopping 7D[LGHUP\ 'HHU block+HDG  $1650 6WDIIRUGVKLUH KXQWLQJ GRJ  7UHQFK $UW  $VKWUD\ Rene Lalique cherub bookends. %LWRVL +RUVH LQ EOXH  -XQJKDQV 6WDUEXUVW &ORFN VROG IRU  /DUJH 0DKRJDQ\ Antique'UDZHUV polisher &KHVW RI knife  See over 6,000 square feet of unique collectables. Queensland Silky Oak Arts & Crafts sideboard by Trittons of George Street, Brisbane, with label - c.1925, restored. $3600. 377 Oxley Rd | Sherwood | Brisbane Qld 4075 | Tel: 07 3379 7311 Antiques & Interiors edlars  0DJLOO 5RDG 0D\ODQGV 6RXWK $XVWUDOLD 7HO Morant and Sons Morant and Sons is the result of nearly two decades of collecting and some may even say hoarding all manner of lovely things. Drawing select items from my personal collection we offer an extensive range of glass, sterling silver and Wiinblad porcelain. A passion for decorative glass means we can offer fine pieces from the 19th and 20th centuries including genuine vintage Venetian Murano glass, cracking examples of classic and contemporary carnival glass, a wide range of vivid uranium glass and many other unique and wonderful pieces. Morant and Sons also offers exclusive, signed limited edition prints and original work by George Morant. An established artist who has shown numerous solo exhibitions over the past four decades in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Morant is represented in many private, corporate and public collections and his work has been acquired by the Australian National Gallery. Agnes Street, Kingston South East, South Australia 5275. Tel: 0421 105 668 Email: [email protected] Web: 36 Antiques and Collectables for Pleasure & Profit