Antarctica 2024_25 _ Destination Brochure | Page 37

Day Visiting
• 1
Cape Town
• 2-5
At Sea
• 6
Tristan da Cunha
• 7-10
At Sea
• 11-12
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
• 13-14
At Sea
• 15-18
Antarctic Peninsula
• 19-20
At Sea
• 22
Ports , port order and itinerary duration may vary , for the most up-to-date details see swanhellenic . com
Antarctica Focus
Pay homage to explorer Ernest Shackleton as we discover the island where he spent his last days . Keep an eye out for blackbrowed albatross in the Falklands as we come ashore to these remote communities .
D I S C O V E R M O R E AT S WA N H E L L E N I C . C O M 37