Antarctica 2024_25 _ Destination Brochure | Page 21

Birds abound

Whether you ’ re a keen ornithologist or an all-round nature lover , Antarctica has a profusion of rare and special birds to admire . From terns and petrels to skuas , shearwaters and shags , over 45 species of birds inhabit this icy land . Albatrosses are a common sighting , gracefully gliding on the ocean winds . With a wingspan of up to 3.35 metres , they are the largest flying birds in the world .
• Antarctica Sheathbill
• Antarctica , South Georgia & Falklands Albatross , Petrels , Prions , Gulls , Blue-eyed Shag , Skua , Terns
Skua Fighting albatross
D I S C O V E R M O R E AT S WA N H E L L E N I C . C O M 21