Another View Magazine Orillia Winter 2014 | Page 6
The- wind and of could come by- and
A Column I Inspired Word
By Carly Gouweloos
carry you the last part of your
journey if you become light feel like you know someone magical.
Nothing in the world can bring us more joy than another
person. Other souls have the ability to make us feel so
enough... by just lettingleaves us vibrantly
genuinely loved and adored that it go of a few
beaming in a state of bliss. Perhaps even more delightful,
is the feeling of being so undeniably grateful for someone
more things you are clinging to...
else’s presence in your life that it leaves you astounded.
Words cannot describe how honoured we can feel to have
that in our believe in gravity.
certain peoplestill lives.
To be open and share with others is an art I have learned
more recently than not. But how rewarding it truly is. To
feel a deep connection to someone that means so much to
you. To feel like you know someone magical. To tell them
how much you love them. It is so crucial for us to ensure
that we surround ourselves with those who nourish and
uplift our hearts. We are here for each other. Love and
connection is a force so inherent within our souls. It is the
reason why weInside this issue:
are here.
But also, be thankful for your solitude. The solitude that
means being alone without being lonely. That quiet time
that allows you to reflect on all that has come into your
life. To step back from those you love with the intention
of allowing yourself to fully soak in and embrace what
you have. And behold the great importance of conversing with yourself; to make sure you are still friends with
YOU. And to further allow yourself to develop your intimate relationship with your surroundings and nature.
Take a walk alone and see how many magnificent things
you notice along the way that likely, you have never seen
Be so in love with other souls and solitude that you honour them both with your time.
■ Carly Gouweloos, BBA
Editor & Designer of Another View
[email protected]