The Magic of
Essential Oils
By Tammy Gouweloos
Judge way to attain Optimal Oral Health.
the best nothing, you will be happy.
Working with Nature in our Oral Health is truly
Genuine Essential Oils are special plant extracts that capture the integrity of the botanical compounds and essencForgive everything, you will at a low temes of the plant. They are distilled slowly and be happier.
perature, therefore keeping the healing and absorption
ability of the plant for our cells and our bodies. For this
integrity, I recommend
Love everything,only using the best quality brands
you will be happiest.
when it comes to essential oils. I carry several essential oil
blends for my clients who choose to use the most natural
- oral Chinmoy
and healthy products for theirSri health:
Cinnamin E.O. - antiseptic, antibacterial and increases
circulation to the gum tissues
Clove E.O. - very high in antioxidants, antibacterial, antibacterial, antiviral and boosts the immune system
Oregano E.O. - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, destroys plaque-causing bacteria
Neem E.O.- pain relieving, prevents bacterial cell adhesion, and alkalizes the mouth
Peppermint E.O. - antioxidant (kills free radicals which
cause cell destruction), inhibits bacteria that cause decay
Seabuckthorn E.O. - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerates and revitalizes cells and gum tissue
These are just a few that will benefit healthy gums
and teeth. I also carry Healthy Gum Drops, OraMD,
OraWellness and Young Living Oils Toothpaste for complete holistic dental care.
Essential Oils can help to heal our bodies and our minds.
Their aromatic molecules pass the blood-barrier to the
center of the mind and help our body become balanced
and calmer. As they are very concentrated, you only need
a drop or two. It is helpful to work with a knowledgeable
practitioner when using essential oils. Wishing you happy
gums, teeth and fresh breath!
■ Tammy Gouweloos, RDH
Owner of Barrie Dental Hygiene
Student of Holistic Nutrition
Member of the International Academy of
Biological Dentistry & Medicine