Annuals 2018 Annual Book | Page 25

Administrative Leadership Team Report The Administrative Leadership Team met on five occasions during the 2018 calendar year. We are grateful for our partnering churches and how we have maintained the level of support over the past few years. CrossNet Baptist Network has maintained or, in many areas, increased a level of ministry to our Jerusalem at a time when we have received reductions from some of our partnering churches. At the same time, we have picked up additional support from new churches and existing churches. While last year, 2017, and this year, 2018, has been a challenging time in support we recognize this is a time of challenge and transition in our partnering churches. This past year our staff at CrossNet Baptist Network sought to work with less office support and work with volunteers Monday – Thursday. We commend the efforts of a willing staff, but we realize it has been a taxing year on those that we appreciate. After an evaluation of the ministry support needs of both Phil and Randy and the level of support our partnering churches have been receiving, we are recommending that we continue with two positions. One position will work 36 Hours per week; the second position 20-25 hours per week. We are suggesting as soon as possible that we hire an additional support person of 26 hours. Last year we reported to you the need for replacing the lighting in the building. In 2017, the Fire Marshall inspected the facility on numerous occasions and called attention to the need for upgrading emergency lighting and other lights throughout the building that did not work. That project has been completed. We purchased new lights, and the lights were installed by Don Still Electrical (Member at Thompson Springs Baptist Church). We are grateful for his service of installing the lights at no charge. In August of this year, the Administration Leadership Team took action to give an offering of support to Jamie and Dana in the amount of $6,000.00. This was taken out of our general budget and was sent to them on August 6, 2018. Jamie and Dana are some of the first Southern Baptists who have responded to IBM’s vision to have an “unlimited” presence around the world for the sake of the Gospel. They are self-supporting. Our support offering to them lets CrossNet partner in the great commission to the uttermost parts of the world. NEW PARTNERS New Union Baptist Church (Recommending Partnership) 11516 Meadowview Rd Harrison, TN 37336 Pastor Donnie Jenkins Matthew’s Table Church (Recommending Partnership) Blythe Family Support Center 1075 Blythe Avenue SE Cleveland, TN 37311 Pastor: Rusty Langford Go Life Church (Recommending Watch Care) Currently Meets at Mountain View Inn Cleveland, TN Pastor David Peters Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to face the future together. Administrative Team Eric Atkins Tim Edwards Al Miller Rick Donegan Jay McCluskey Jim Gibson Eric Atkins, Moderator 25