Annuals 2016 Annual Book | Page 64

Baptist and Reflector 2016 Annual Report The Baptist and Reflector continues to be the primary news source for Tennessee Baptists. The paper is mailed to more than 24,000 homes 26 weeks a year, reaching a potential readership of about 62,000 people. The B&R has increased its web presence. A new dedicated website for the B&R was launched last year and it continues to be an effective way to bring Tennessee Baptist news to its reader in a timely manner. An e-newsletter was introduced this year to let Tennessee Baptist leaders know the latest news on the website. The goal of the paper is to "tell the story of Tennessee Baptists" through news, feature stories and photographs. As in the past, the paper this year placed a major emphasis on what Tennessee Baptists are doing to reach the world for Christ by focusing on stories related to missions and evangelism. This year the paper has focused on timely topics for Tennessee Baptists and our churches. The Baptist and Reflector continued to utilize social media tools in 2016 such as Twitter. Editor Lonnie Wilkey regularly writes a blog that provides information for Tennessee Baptists between print issues. The paper also introduced a Facebook page in 2016. The staff monitors trends that could affect Tennessee Baptists and prints those stories to keep readers informed. In addition, opinions, both from the editor and others, are printed and are intended to make readers think, reflect, and act. The paper continually seeks to enlist new subscribers and will be offering a simplified subscription plan in the near future. We need more churches to send the paper to their leadership such as deacons, Sunday School teachers, etc. For more information about subscription plans, call the Baptist & Reflector office at 1- 800-558-2090 or (615) 371-2003. Lonnie Wilkey Editor 62