Annual reports | Page 9

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE Influencing policy The launch of the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy marked the policy agenda in 2015. We had already partnered with peer networks (Digital Europe, CEPIS, European Schoolnet) and our member in Latvia LIKTA to sign an e-Skills manifesto aimed to remind their importance for a DSM strategy. The need of a digitally inclusive society was somehow neglected, a situation partially palliated by our insistence in their fora to recognise the need to continue investing in digital literacy, and to think of digital citizens, not just consumers. In addition, we have advocated for measures to promote digital literacy for all in EC’s new e-government action plan. Our advocacy efforts in 2015 opened up more room to make our message heard by European institutions and have a say in its policy making process. In addition to our well-known European Get Online Week, which this time was endorsed by Vice-President Ansip and Commissioner Oetinger, we ran for the first time an e-Participation project with 12 members in 11 countries, engaging for the first time Members of the European Parliament in our public events. In order to spread our message out and to work closer with European institutions, during the year we have become members of two influential associations: the European Internet Forum, an initiative of MEPs to regularly meet and debate with corporates and associations about sensitive digital issues, and the Lifelong Learning Platform (former EUCIS-LLL) which represents civil society organisations working in the field of education. Through the latter we have participated in significant civil society meetings and policy discussion groups on validation of competences and digital learning, contributing to its lifelong learning manifesto with an action on digital literacy added per our suggestion. Being once more a beneficiary of an Erasmus+ operating grant, we were invited again to the Education, Training and Youth Forum, a key stakeholders’ consultation space for the implementation of the Education & Training 2020 strategy. This time we played active roles in the fields of learning and inclusion as well as validation and recognition of competences, with our contributions reflected in