Annual reports | Page 7

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE Strategic overview The new Board elected in February 2015, assisted by the Managing Director, carried out a mid-term review of the strategy adopted in 2013 until 2017. While revisiting the feedback collected from the Advisory Board and members, it was evident for the need of a more targeted and simplified communication of our advocacy targets to external audiences, as well as for increased opportunities for members’ horizontal cooperation (peer learning, knowledge exchange, funded projects). its 2-year mandate, as illustrated in the chart below. Therefore, Telecentre Europe will continue running flagship campaigns (from GOW to e-Participation), helping members to develop the capacities of their e-Facilitators and to align their training programmes to European standards, and exploring the last sociodigital innovation trends, while it will explicitly focus its efforts on two sensitive social issues of foremost importance: youth employability and refugees integration in European societies. As a result, 6 strategic priorities were identified to guide the advocacy efforts of the organisation during For the development of our community, new candidates who can make a difference will be invited to join the network, while our service offer is pulled out and we facilitate more partnerships and funding opportunities to members. All these changes are reflected in a recently released Strategic Roadmap 2015-2017: in Pillar 1 (Education & Training), Pillar 2 (Advocacy & Campaigns) and Pillar 3 (Research & Social Innovation) for the strategic priorities, and in Pillars 4 (Community Development) and 5 (Sustainability & Funding) to give answer to members’ interests, as well as in our Operating Grant workplan 2016. Being the above strategic priorities rooted in the 5-pillar strategy and sustained by it, they are also correlated with different projects and initiatives carried out by the organisation with the help of its members. 7