Annual reports | Page 28

TELECENTRE EUROPE | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Membership in 2015 In 2015, Telecentre Europe aimed at improving its services to members. A dedicated members area was built on the official website. We attracted 6 new member organisations to join the network while 131 new users registered on the online community portal Online membership database Telecentre Europe worked on improving its membership services, and in 2015, an online membership database together with a file repository were built. Members can access the space via www. using the given login details. The area will allow Telecentre Europe’s members to follow the most important strategic decisions as internal documents will be regularly uploaded under the File repository section. An online membership database will give an overview of the network where members can access contact info to get in touch with members in their countries or any other members. Since it can be accessed any time, members are able to maintain their organisational information and keep it up-to-date at all times. Annual survey For the second year running, Telecentre Europe carried out an annual membership survey. The aim is to use the survey results to compose a collective picture of Telecentre Europe network, to hear members’ feedback on certain matters and to draw conclusions for advocacy purposes. 2015 survey results will be presented at the General Assembly. Based on 2014 survey results Telecentre Europe has produced an INFOGRAPHIC Telecentres: Who they are and what they do summarising the most relevant figures. Europe 2020 factsheet Telecentre Europe has also created a factsheet on Europe 2020 strategy with a focus on its relevance to telecentres. 28 Infographic about telecentres