Annual reports | Page 23

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE In addition to ongoing partnerships Telecentre Europe has identified and started several new collaborations in 2015. Joining the European Internet Forum (EIF) is one of 2015 key achievements. EIF is a non-profit association established in 2000 by MEPs to meet various industry stakeholders in order to shape policy and regulations related to the Internet and new technologies. In addition to our attempts to engage with MEPs, we have become part of Lifelong Learning platform (former EUCIS-LLL) and their Interest group which is an informal meeting platform between NGOs and MEPs on lifelong learning with emphasis on adult education. New partnerships Telecentre Europe will work with its members and partners during the awareness raising campaign Get Online Week (GOW) to enrol at least 2,000 new young people on NetAcad. Under a new partnership with Cisco, Telecentre Europe aims to get people connected and skilled by promoting and using the Cisco Networking Academy, an IT skills and career building programme. Telecentre Europe believes that NetAcad can bring a significant added value to the services offered by telecentres, thereby enhancing people's skills towards jobs and a better life. Telecentres have a great potential to develop Cisco Academies and to channel the available courses to more Europeans. Our partners in 2015: 23