Annual reports | Page 18

TELECENTRE EUROPE | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Ongoing projects DigitalJobs: Addressing the mismatch between supply and demand for ICT practitioners As part of its Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs aimed to fill the growing number of vacant ICT-related jobs across Europe, the Commission has established under the DigitalJobs project a Secretariat tasked to address the mismatch between supply and demand for ICT practitioners. Period: Feb 2014 - Jan 2016 Source of funding: European Commission Coordinator: Secretariat of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Telecentre Europe in collaboration with project leaders from 13 organisations active in the IT, education and SME communities form the Secretariat of the Grand Coalition with a defined scope to boost the Commission’s programme through a five-pronged strategy for reducing the skills gap in Europe: ❶ ICT Training: promoting Europe-wide student placement programmes with ICT employers and working with existing ICT training providers to improve their offering to students ❷ Mobility: helping get trained people in one part of Europe placed into vacant jobs elsewhere in the EU ❸ Certification: strengthening ICT professionalism and foster recognition of ICT-related qualifications across EU member states ❹ Awareness raising: raising awareness of the Grand Coalition for Digital jobs ❺ New forms of ICT education: promoting the supply side for ICT jobs creation through more aligned educational schemes (e.g. MOOCS) and structural changes inside educational systems. Telecentre Europe’s role in the Secretariat is heavily related to the scalability and sustainability of the Grand Coalition, using as a main tool the National and Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs. In 2015, Telecentre Europe and the Secretariat grew the number of existent coalitions to 21, while other 4 are under formation. The National Coalitions (NCs) and Local Coalitions (LCs) are defined as multi-stakeholder partnerships which promote and exploit the actions and outcomes of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs in each Member State. Their role is to promote and To support the existing Coalitions and the stakeholders interested to build new Coalitions, Telecentre Europe published a Toolkit available HERE. 10 members of Telecentre Europe are involved in Coalitions in their countries. - DIGITAL EUROPE (BE), BRAINPORT (NL), CIONET (BE), DIITEK (DK), ECDL Foundation (IE), ECTW (NO), EUROCIO (BE), EMPIRICA (DE), ESKILLS (UK), EUN (BE), MITA (MT), NUIM (IE), PIN-SME (BE). 1 18 implement actions tied to the Grand Coalition. Any actions that can contribute to helping bridge the gap between people looking for jobs in the ICT market and industry (all sectors) can be considered. NCs and LCs can focus on those actions most appropriate to their local circumstances.