Annual reports | Page 13

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE eSkills for Jobs 2015, part of the EU eSkills strategy, is a major cross sector, multi-stakeholder campaign from the European Commission, involving more than 650 organisations across Europe including companies, associations, education and training bodies and NGOs. Campaigns: eSkills for Jobs The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of ICT skills for work. The campaign is a response to the growing demand for ICT-skilled professionals which is currently not met, despite high levels of unemployment in Europe. Telecentre Europe was one of the three panEuropean stakeholders that supported Digital Europe and European Schoolnet to run the campaign in 2014 and 2015. Our contribution was formed by two main sets of actions. ❶ Organizing the Get Online Week as part of eSkills for Jobs, including: a. eSkills for employment training using a range of technologies and devices b. Hunting for digital jobs events c. ICT certification – free vouchers from industry. ❷ Supporting the overall communications of the campaign, as follows: a. Contribution to the overall communications strategy and day- to-day tasks, especially on the social media reach-out b. Contribution to the revision of the eSkills Manifesto, on eInclusion section c. Contribution to the update of website content in sections agreed with project partners. Focus on the unemployed Telecentre Europe involved four members in the eSkills for Jobs that have organized dedicated activities for the young unemployed. Below are some highlights of the work carried by our members. In Greece, 483 young people participated in the workshops organized by HePIS. During the workshops, HePIS presented the Getcoding initiative which is part of the eSkills for Jobs campaign while informing the delegates about the prospects of the ICT sector and the current gap of almost 335,000 ICT vacant positions. In Italy, Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) organised an intensive campaign on social media, emphasizing how training on digital skills changed the lives of young people. 8 video eSkills for Jobs campaign testimonials have been uploaded on the FMD’s Youtube channel, website and social media channels. In Portugal, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) created an interactive map on ICT education and training “Choose a successful career in ICT”. This was achieved with the support of the National Coalitions of Digital Jobs. In Spain, the Association “Community of Telecentre Networks” organised webinars for young unemployed with the following themes: (a) Training for employment and (b) Encouragement of e-skills for young people and unemployed. Also a new website was created to raise awareness about the skills gap and to support the campaign activities: 13