Annual reports Annual Report 2017 | Page 22


Ongoing projects

period : June 2016 - May 2019 source of funding : Horizon 2020 coordinator : Computer Technology Institute and Press “ Diophantus ” website : www . umi-sci-ed . eu
UMI-Sci-Ed aims at enhancing the attractiveness of science education and careers for 14 — 16 year olds via the use of latest technologies . We put Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things ( UMI ) into practice towards enhancing the level of STEM education and attractiveness of career in domains pervaded by UMI .
UMI are the technologies of the future . The application of UMI technologies in education and training can be fun and engaging , it suits multi-disciplinary projects , triggers different competences and skills and motivates differently oriented people , even those that would otherwise not be interested in technology .
The exploitable results of the project so far are the following :
UDOO-EDU : a low cost modular hardware kit : an Arduino-powered Android / Linux single board computer enriched with sensors , Bluetooth 4.0 and a Wi-Fi module .
Programming framework : a series of software tools that allow the user to program a behaviour into the UDOO-EDU kit .
Instructional methodology and tools : the definition , implementation , and evaluation of the pedagogical methodology and tools for promoting STEM via UMI .
Educational scenarios : the definition of the educational activities , oriented at UMI and STEM learning , which will be executed by the students during the piloting phase .
Communities of Practice ( COPs ): that use UMI technologies to support and enhance STEM learning , where teachers are able to access educational scenarios , learning materials and resources that they can us in the classroom and where students can share their projects .
UMI-Sci-Ed platform : that provides all the basic functionalities and services allowing the use of it for educational purposes and supporting the CoPs approach .
Career consultancy service : a series of activities and scenarios using CoPs and UMI , plus various materials , aimed at motivating students in pursuing a career in UMI fields .
Qualifications : an official record showing that students / teachers have finished a training course on STEM / UMI or have the necessary skills .
ALL DIGITAL is the dissemination partner in the project . We design and carry out a range of dissemination and promotion tools and activities , maintain the project website , create blogposts , and exploit social media . We coordinate the publication of articles and the presentation of UMI-Sci- ED project at various conferences , exhibitions , events . We also take advantage of our events and campaigns such as Get Online Week to promote the project to our members and other relevant stakeholders .
At the ALL DIGITAL Summit in Barcelona , we organised a howto workshop on using UMI technologies to promote STEM education . A number of interested participants discussed UMI technologies and their potential use in education and training , and attended a hands on session on the design of a training scenario using UMI technologies and the UDOO Neo kit .