Ongoing projects
period: October 2017 – December 2018
source of funding: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic
coordinator: MAKS
website: http://www.huristo.eu/ (coming soon)
HURISTO is a year-long project which aims to develop a
methodology for awareness raising and advocacy about
the European Human Rights Charter (EHRC), as part of
global citizenship education with low-skilled adult learners
(refugees and migrants living in urban areas and natives
living in rural areas. The methodology will be based on
digital storytelling; project partners will work on personal
narratives illustrating different topics of the charter. The project started in October 2017 and, since then, partners
have been involved in the implementation of the first output
concerning the collection of 50 pictures illustrating the
Charter and the production of 50 flashcards about the article
of the Charter. A manual will also accompany the photos
and the flashcards explaining how the trainer can use it to
help the adult learners to produce the digital stories and
discuss the real meaning of the different topics and articles.
The main expected results for the adult learners are
increased digital skills, reading and writing skills and
awareness of the EHRC and European citizenship. The
work on the Charter and the personal narratives will also
improve participants’ analytical media literacy, interpersonal
and intercultural skills, and also core skills for employability
like teamwork, problem solving, learning to learn and
communication. Project partners will participate in a train the trainers event
in Turin in February 2018 where tutors from project countries
will be trained on the digital storytelling methodology in
order to be able to deliver the workshops to the target
Additionally, the adult trainers will increase their teaching
capacities using digital media and the methodology of
digital storytelling in particular. Project partners will train
10 trainers to guide the participants and will engage 80
participants for the first workshops who will disseminate the
method through a peer-to-peer event.