Our partnerships with industry and with civil society organisations brought
increased participation and support to recognising the role of non-formal
training in building digital competences.
ALL DIGITAL continues to believe that the European skills
gap can only be addressed by working in multi-stakeholder
partnerships. Both through leadership and active
participation, we aspire to bring added value to existing
partnerships and to create new ones with NGOs, with public
institutions and with the private sector.
Civil society partners
As members of the Lifelong Learning Platform
(LLLP), we continued to cooperate with other civil
society organisations in the fields of education and
training on joint positions regarding mainstreaming
digital skills, making Erasmus+ more effective and
articulating joint messages to the EU institutions.
Within the Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs, we have
continued to work as part of the Secretariat together
with Digital Europe and European Schoolnet. ALL
DIGITAL supported the creation of five new National
Coalitions, facilitating partnerships at national
level and engaging stakeholders in articulating or
implementing digital skills strategies and policies.
On the I-LINC platform, we have worked with
European Schoolnet to foster connections and
knowledge sharing between the formal and non-
formal education sectors.
We have started to work together with the European
Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) on a
new project to create better digital skills training fully
aligned to DigComp, addressed to low skilled adults.
Industry partners
We have redefined our strategic partnership with
Cisco on embedding the NetAcad concept into the
ALL DIGITAL network. Together with five member
organisations we have designed a train-the-trainers
programme that will support e-facilitators working in
digital competence centres. Liberty Global continued
to remain a promotional supporter of the Get Online
Week campaign.
In 2017 we have started two new partnerships in the
framework of Get Online Week: Mozilla and Certiport.
This helped thousands of Europeans to access new
resources, training and certification in the area of
digital skills for social inclusion and employment.
Our Summit in Barcelona and the ALL DIGITAL
Awards have been largely supported by GSMA, and
also by HP and Telapolis.
Our Advisory Board now includes a new member - Austėja
Trinkūnaitė, who is the new Secretary General of CEPIS.
Fiona Fanning, now representing Certiport, continues as a
Member of the Board, thus Certiport is joining four other
organisations: Liberty Global, CEPIS, European eSkills
Association and the Technical University of Dortmund.