Annual Reports 2015 | Page 14

Climate Action Charter The District of Lake Country was one of the 180 local governments, along with the Province of BC and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) that signed the Climate Action Charter (CAC) tackling the challenges posed by climate change, and pledging to take action to significantly cut both corporate and community-wide greenhouse gas emissions; measure and report on the community greenhouse gas emission profile; and work to create compact, more energy efficient communities. Carbon neutrality is based on “traditional services” which include administration and governance; drinking, storm and waste water; solid waste collection, transportation and diversion; road and traffic operations; arts, recreation and cultural services and fire protection. Emissions related to new construction, business travel, employee commuting and the external production of goods used for the services are not included. As a general guideline for measuring emissions, if the District pays for the service the District must account for the emissions related to that service. Communities that have signed onto the CAC and thereby agree to publicly report on their climate action progress are eligible for the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) grant. The following report meets the CARIP requirements to publicly report on climate actions undertaken by the District in 2015 and outlines our intended actions for 2016. Corporate Measure The District has updated its Corporate Carbon Neutral Action Plan which calculates the energy that is used corporately by the District and which provides for the conversion to calculate the GHG emissions produced. Community Wide Measure In addition to using the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) to measure progress, a Community Energy & Emissions Plan was prepared in 2012 by the District of Lake Country in consultation with BC Hydro and the Community Energy Association. Plan The District’s Official Community Plan (OCP), which was adopted in August 2010, outlines the following policies and actions to reach the goals of achieving carbon neutrality in municipal operations as per the CAC; and reducing community wide greenhouse gas emissions by 33% below 2007 levels by 2020 as per the Local Government Act (LGA)  Inventory operational greenhouse gas emissions.  Adopt a municipal sustainable purchasing policy.  Reduce or offset operational greenhouse gas emissions.  Identify opportunities for alternative energy creation.  Further develop and implement the greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy.  Implement a greenhouse gas emissions strategy to reduce community wide emissions.  Complete an air quality assessment and inventory.  Participate in the Regional Air Quality Management Program. 2015 Annual Report 14 | P a g e