Annual Report v1 | Page 24

Statement of Comprehensive Income For the Eight Month Period Ended 31 March 2014 Unaudited Audited Eight month Eight Months c omparative Ended 2013 NOTE 31 March 2014 $ $ Operating Income 1,428,000 Subscription Income 1,488,210 165,269 Net House Trading Income 3 234,898 96,119 Net Golf Income 4 64,519 7,435 Other Income 15,790 1,696,823 1,803,417 Operating Expenses (319,877) Clubhouse Expenses (351,149) (783,361) Course Expenses (768,142) (545,415) Administration Expenses (513,603) (1,648,653) (1,632,894) 48,170 OPERATING SURPLUS 170,523 Non Operating Income 234,624 Entrance Fees 74,951 (96,880) Net Interest 5 (61,036) (91,683) Profit (Loss) on sale of Non Current Assets 3,181 222,577 Clubhouse Levy 204,557 8,750 Clubhouse Donations - 277,388 221,653 325,558 - 325,558 SUPLUS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Other Comprehensive Income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME This statement should be read in conjunction with the notes to the accounts 22 392,176 - 392,176 Twelve Months Ended 31 July 2013 $ 2,194,142 200,207 96,287 11,518 2,502,154 (486,582) (1,158,909) (775,153) (2,420,644) 81,510 318,057 (143,587) (91,683) 225,285 8,750 316,822 398,332 398,332