A Note of Thanks
The Course
This will be my final Captain’s Report and I thank all
of the Green Acres membership for their support
over the last five years. I have had many members
actively provide their support and I sincerely thank
each and every one of you.
The coming year will involve focussing on improving
the drainage and irrigation where required on the
course, and strengthening the grass coverage in
high traffic areas.
Golf architects and strategists Crafter and Mogford
have also recently delivered their final draft of our
Course Master Plan. The Course Sub-Committee
are currently digesting the wealth of information
provided and are working on an appropriate way
to deliver this report to the membership.
On behalf of the entire membership I would like to
thank our Course Superintendent Mat Poultney and
his team for their tireless efforts over the 2013/14
year and in partic ձ